Selected Publications by OSA Staff (2014)

Jones, Gwen. "The Yellow-Star Houses of Budapest, 1944-2014." The Hungarian Quarterly, Holocaust special issue , 54 (2014) 209:191-196. Jones, Gwen with Guesnet, François (eds). "Antisemitism in an Era of Transition: Continuities and Impact in Post-Communist Poland and Hungary." Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2014.

Sarkisova, Oksana - Shevchenko, Olga. “Soviet Past in Domestic Photography: Events, Evidence, Erasure.” In  Double Exposure: Memory and Photography , edited by Olga Shevchenko. Transaction Publishers, 2014. 147-176.

Székely, Iván. "Archivos, archivista, paradigmas archivísticos: en la sociedad de la información." In  Hacia una política integral de gestión de la información pública , edited by Natalia Torres. Universidad de Palermo, 2014. 171-183.

Székely, Iván. "The relevance of social and economic costs of surveillance." In  Surveillance in Europe , edited by David Wright and Reinhard Kreissl. Routledge, 2014. 240-245.

Székely, Iván. "The right to be forgotten and the new archival paradigm". In  The Ethics of Memory in a Digital Age. Interrogating the Right to Be Forgottten , edited by Andrew Hoskins. Palgrave, 2014. 28-49.

Székely, Iván. "Surveillance -- a megfigyeléstől a megfigyelő társadalmakig és a megfigyeléstudományig." [Surveillance -- from Surveillance to Surveillance Societies and Surveillance Studies].  Replika , 2014, 89:7-13.

Szilágyi, Csaba. "Representation of Mass Atrocities in Imagined 'Commemorative Arenas'." In  Versus. Thematic issue Traces of Terror, Signs of Trauma  (June-December 2014) 119: 71-91.