OSA’s holdings are freely researchable to both Hungarian and foreign citizens on the basis of open access, however, access to certain collections and materials may be subject to restrictions. OSA’s access policy aims to balance the researcher’s need for access with respect for the confidentiality of information on individuals and organizations contained in the materials. Access to archival holdings and library special collections primarily concerning the recent past will be restricted in the following instances, outlined below.
General restrictions on access apply to more than one group of materials, and are applicable to particular kinds of data or designated classes of materials which may be found across a number of collections. Specific restrictions are specified by the transferring body or donor organization, and apply to a specific collection or one part thereof. Information about specific restrictions will always be found in the catalog or description of the collection, depending on what proportion of the materials is covered by the restriction.
The following is a list of the general restrictions that are applied to Blinken OSA's collections.
General Restriction 1: materials containing certain data, the researcher’s access to which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or allow the libel of a living person.
1.1 Definition. Materials containing data about a living person which reveal details of a highly personal or libelous nature which, if released, would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy or a libel, including but not limited to information about the physical or mental health or the medical or psychiatric care or treatment, sexual orientation, or origins of the individual, and which personal information is not known to have been made public previously.
1.2 Restrictions. Materials that fall under this restriction may be disclosed only:
- to permanent employees of the OSA Archivum only in the performance of their archival and professional work.
- to the named individual or his authorized representative, provided that access will not be granted if the records are restricted pursuant to any other general or specific restrictions.
- to those officers and employees of the office of origin or its successor in function or representatives who have a need for the record, or
- to the Donor of the materials or to the Donor’s Designee, pursuant to the provisions of the Donor’s deed of gift.
General Restriction 2: materials containing confidential business and financial data.
2.1 Definition. Materials which contain financial or business secrets that were obtained with an expressed or implied understanding of confidentiality
2.2 Restrictions. Such information may be disclosed only:
- if the data consists of statistical totals or summaries and does not disclose the source of the details or identify the supplier of the data, or
- if the party with whom the confidential relationship has been established agrees to its release, or
- to those officers and employees of the office of origin or its successor in function or its representative who have a need for the record in their performance of their official duties, or
- to the Donor of the materials or to the Donor’s Designee, pursuant to the provisions of the Donor’s deed of gift, or
- if, in the judgment of the OSA Archivum, the passage of time is such that the release of the information would not result in substantial competitive or other harm to the party identified in the materials.
General Restriction 3: materials containing confidential employment or personnel information.
3.1 Definition. Materials containing information on appointment, employment, performance evaluation, disciplinary action, and similar personnel matters.
3.2 Restrictions. Such information may be disclosed only:
- if the information is a summary statement of service, or
- if the information does not identify particular individuals, or
- if the individual or his legal representative agrees to its release, or
- if the individual is deceased or the passage of time is such that the individual may be presumed to be deceased, or
- to those officers and employees of the office of origin or its successor in function or its representative who have a need for the record in their performance of their official duties, or
- to the Donor of the materials or to the Donor’s Designee, pursuant to the provisions of the Donor’s deed of gift.
General Restriction 4: materials relating to investigations.
4.1 Definition. Data related to or gathered during an investigation of an individual or organization.
4.2 Restrictions. Such data may be disclosed only:
- if the release of the information does not interfere with ongoing litigation or similar proceedings, and
- if confidential sources and information are not published, and
- if confidential investigative techniques are not described, and
- if the release of the information would not endanger the safety personnel, including law enforcement personnel, or
- to those officers and employees of the office of origin or its successor in function who have a need for the record in their performance of their official duties, or
- to the Donor of the materials or to the Donor’s Designee, pursuant to the provisions of the Donor’s deed of gift, or
- the passage of time is such that:
- the safety of persons is not endangered, and
- the public interest in disclosure outweighs the continued need for confidentiality.
General Restriction 5: materials restricted by court order.
5.1 Definition. Those materials containing information, the access to which is restricted by current order of a court with jurisdiction over the governing body of the Central European University.
5.2 Restrictions. Such information may be disclosed only:
- in accordance with the provisions of the court order, or when it is vacated.
General Restriction 6: materials containing information regarding confidential decision-making.
6.1 Definition. Materials which contain information that was given in confidence in the period before a determination was made, including but not limited to advice given by attorneys, public accountants, and consultants.
6.2 Restrictions. Such information may be disclosed only:
- if the decision has been made public and the nature of the determinations leading to the final decision is known, or
- if the passage of time is such that release of the information would not impede current decision-making, or
- if, in the judgment of the OSA Archivum, the public interest in disclosure outweighs the continued need for confidentiality.