Press Room - 2017

Symposium on Refugee Rights in Records
Posted: 14/December/2017
Organized by the Center for Information as Evidence, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the University of Liverpool Centre for Archive Studies (LUCAS), and the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at Central European UniversityThis symposium will feature speakers from a range of international bodies, NGOs, archives and academic institutions who will speak to ways in which official records (including bio-records) and bureaucracies, archival documentation, and other more "irregular" forms and uses of records play crucial roles in the lives of displaced people as they travel across state boundaries, interact with governments and aid agencies, and eventually resettle into new countries and interface with their bureaucratic systems or return/are returned to their places of origin.
#joember2017 #goodperson2017
Posted: 10/December/2017
Keressük az Év Jó Emberét!#joember2017A Blinken OSA-ban igyekszünk tenni szűkebb-tágabb közösségünkért, így hagyományosan jótékonysági akcióval szoktuk zárni az évet. Idén azonban adomány helyett történeteket fogunk gyűjteni: pozitív történeteket inspiráló emberekről.We are looking for the Good Person of the Year!#goodperson2017At the end of the year, as part of our efforts to make a difference in our smaller (or larger) community, Blinken OSA has traditionally organized charity actions. This year, however, instead of donations, we will be collecting stories: positive stories about inspiring people.
Over 2000 Students Reached by Blinken OSA's Education Outreach Programs
Posted: 02/December/2017
To complement its public programs which engage the general public in Budapest, in 2016 Blinken OSA launched a special Education Outreach Program to connect with and involve K-12 level teacher and student communities in Hungary. In 2016-2017 a total of 11 education outreach projects involved 2652  students, 190 teachers in 161 high schools and universities from 44 towns and cities  across Hungary.
Aaron Swartz Fellowship: Call for Applications
Posted: 01/December/2017
The Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (Blinken OSA) at Central European University, one of the initiators of the Open Access movement awards a fellowship each year either to an unconventional technology expert early in his/her career, or a scholar or activist working at the intersection of humanities, social sciences and technology studies or technological solutions. The fellowship is principally intended for those, with or without a degree, who have strong practical skills in developing technological tools to make knowledge and data broadly available to the public; who have an interest in challenging information management practices in libraries and archives; who are ready to contribute to building innovative visual taxonomies or catalogs based on unorthodox ideas; and who can challenge the control of information by governments and publishers to promote civil liberties and online activism.
Felhívás - Akkreditált pedagógus továbbképzési program/ Accredited Continuing Ed
Posted: 29/November/2017

Felhívás - Akkreditált pedagógus továbbképzési program

Mozgásterek és kényszerpályák / Sorsszerűség és felelősség a XX. századi magyar történelemben


Előadók: Mink András, Ungváry Krisztián történészek

Szervező neve: Blinken OSA Archívum / Közép-európai Egyetem
Felnőttképzési nyilvántartási szám: 27282-153-2016
Képzési órák száma: 30
Tanfolyam időtartama: 2018. január 20. - április 28. 
8 alkalom szombatonként – jan. 20.; feb. 3/17/24.; márc. 3/24.; ápr. 7/28. 
Tanfolyam helyszíne: Blinken OSA Archívum, 1051 Budapest, Arany János u. 32.
Létszám: maximum 20 fő


A jelentkezés feltételei:
Iskolai végzettség: egyetemi
Javasolt munkakörök: középiskolai tanár, történelemtanár
Részvételi díj: nincs
Határidő: 2018. január 15.


A limitált létszám miatt javasoljuk a korai jelentkezést, a jelentkezéseket érkezési sorrendben fogadjuk.


Accredited Continuing Education Program for Teachers

Scopes and Constraints in 20th Century Hungarian History

Instructors: Historians András Mink and Krisztián Ungváry

Organizer: Blinken OSA Archives / Central European University
Continuing education registration number: 27282-153-2016
Number of credit hours: 30
Course dates: January 20 - April 21, 2018
The course meets 8 times on Saturdays: January 20, February 3, 1, 7 and 24, March 3, 24, April , and 28.
Course venue: Blinken OSA Archives, 1051 Budapest, Arany János u. 32.
Number of attendees: 20

Submit applications to:

Due to the limited space we encourage applicants to submit their applications early, applications are processed on a first come first served basis.

Ratko Mladic Guilty of Genocide, Sentenced to Life
Posted: 28/November/2017
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague sentenced Ratko Mladić, the former commander of the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) to life imprisonment for genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the laws or customs of war committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in 1992-1995. Mladić committed these crimes through his participation in, or contribution to four joint criminal enterprises, and was eventually found guilty “of genocide and persecution, extermination, murder, and the inhumane act of forcible transfer in the area of Srebrenica in 1995; of persecution, extermination, murder, deportation and inhumane act of forcible transfer in municipalities throughout BiH; of murder, terror and unlawful attacks on civilians in Sarajevo; and of hostage-taking of UN personnel.”
The Missing Siege: Film Screening Series
Posted: 27/November/2017
On the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Blinken OSA presents a unique program series under the title "The Traces of Revolutions". In Blinken Osa's Galeria Centralis László Rajk's installation will be complemented by a historical exhibition, a student debate is organized about the revolution, the experiment of communism will be discussed at a conference. A film screening series will reflect upon the era, and a play by Heiner Müller (Mauser) will be staged, with Eszter Csákányi, Dávid Csányi, Gergő Kaszás and Blanka Mészáros appearing in the leading roles.
Aaron Swartz and the Price of Information
Posted: 27/November/2017
An outstandingly talented programmer and activist, the founder of RSS and contributor to the creation of Reddit and Creative Commons among numerous other projects and campaigns, Aaron Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013)  took his own life at the age of 26. He was under federal indictment for alleged computer crimes.In line with the ideals Aaron Swartz fought for, one of the aims of  the Open Society Archives is to broaden access to primary sources by overcoming technical, legal, geographic, and socio-cultural barriers. István Rév, director of Blinken OSA remembers Aaron Swartz.
Heiner Müller: Mauser - ősbemutató
Posted: 21/November/2017
A Mauser egyetlen, visszapillantásokkal tarkított halál-jelenet – sűrű, feloldozást nem adó alámerülés egy bárhol, bármikor zajló forradalom bugyraiba. A helyspecifikus előadás fő témakörei: az egyén történelmi felelősségének kérdése, az öntudat tárgyiasulása valamint a politikai cél és eszköz viszonyának vizsgálata. Müller szerint a színház saját akaratunkból választott, a múlttal való szembenézés nyilvános akciója. Ekképpen a nézők aktív részvétele, a színházi térben történő közösségteremtés az előadás fő mozgatórugója.
Elhunyt a Szabad Európa Rádió legendás szerkesztője: Cseke László (1927-2017)
Posted: 16/November/2017
Fiatalok ezrei várták bekészített magnetofonnal, hogy a Szabad Európa Rádió rövidhullámán felhangozzék: "A mikrofonnál és a lemezjátszónál Cseke László. Szeretettel köszöntöm a Teenager Party hallgatóit..."
Spectrum of Communism — Symposium at Blinken OSA
Posted: 14/November/2017

Spectrum of Communism — Symposium at Blinken OSA, on November 16-17, 2017

On the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Blinken OSA organizes a two-day symposium and public screenings.

Registration: To register, send your name, email address and institutional affiliation to Julianna Lendvai ( before November 12, 2017.

Forradalmak nyomában - A forradalom erkölcsi kérdés? Diákvitafórum a Blinken OSA
Posted: 28/October/2017
Forradalmak nyomában – A forradalom erkölcsi kérdés? Diákvitafórum a Blinken OSA Archívumban1051 Budapest, Arany János u. 32. / 2017. november 7. kedd, 17:30-19:00
The Traces of Revolutions: Program Series in Blinken OSA in November, 2017
Posted: 27/October/2017
In November, 2017 on the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Blinken OSA presents a unique program series under the title "The Traces of Revolutions". In Galeria Centralis László Rajk's installation will be complemented by a historical exhibition, a student debate is organized about the revolution, the experiment of communism will be discussed at a conference. A film screening series will reflect upon the era, and a play by Heiner Müller (Mauser) will be staged with Eszter Csákányi, Dávid Csányi, Gergő Kaszás and Blanka Mészáros appearing in the leading roles.
The 14th Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival  Opens
Posted: 27/October/2017
The 14th Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, co-organized by the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at CEU opens on November 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at TRAFÓ.
When Gagarin Was Still at School. The Mesmerizing World of Soviet Film Propagan
Posted: 20/October/2017

When Gagarin Was Still at School – The Mesmerizing World of Soviet Film Propaganda

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage in Blinken OSA

October 27, 2017, 4:00 p.m.


On the occasion of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA) is organizing an event including a presentation on archiving films and a film screening, with a focus on the history and processing of a collection of Soviet films held in Budapest. 

Book Launch - The Old Doctor of Warsaw
Posted: 20/October/2017

The Old Doctor of Warsaw

book launch

Venue: Galeria Centralis, Blinken OSA (1051 Budapest, Arany János u. 32.)

Date: October 25, 2017, 6:00 p.m.

Related event: Somewhere in Europe - Gaudiopolis, exhibition, Galeria Centralis, Blinken OSA (1051 Budapest, Arany János u. 32.) September 29 – October 29, 2017

Organizing institution: Hungarian Pedagogical Society

Ask an Archivist: Blinken OSA offers help to CEU students with Their research
Posted: 16/October/2017
Students are offered help with research methodology and with materials available at Blinken OSA.
Student Programs in October at Blinken OSA
Posted: 05/October/2017
Somewhere in Europe – Gaudiopolis1. GUIDED EXHIBITION TOURSSomewhere in Europe – Gaudiopolis October 9 – 29; Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Venue: 1051 Budapest, Arany János utca 32.Registration: Anikó Kövecsi ( 361-327-3250(The tour takes about 45 minutes)2. OUR CITY – DRAMA PEDAGOGY WORKSHOPWorkshops are lead by Szabolcs Szirony and Anikó Kövecsi. (drama pedagogy advisor: Rodrigó Balogh)October 17, Tuesday 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (the session is 2 hours, a maximum of 30 students per group are accepted) October 18, Wednesday 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (the session is 2 hours, a maximum of 30 students per group are accepted)October 19, Thursday 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (the session is 2 hours, a maximum of 30 students per group are accepted)The program is free of charge. Registration deadline: October 13, 2017. Contact: Anikó Kövecsi ( 327-3250Venue: Blinken OSA Archívum, 1051 Budapest, Arany János utca 32. Because the number of participants is limited, early registration is recommended. When applying please give the full name of your school, the number of students participating, the date and time chosen, and the telephone number of the contact teacher.
Blinken OSA Offers Classes to Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Posted: 03/October/2017
Within CEU’s Open Learning Initiative Blinken OSA offered to host a higher education program geared towards refugees and asylum seekers in Hungary. 
Somewhere in Europe
Posted: 29/September/2017

Somewhere in Europe

Gaudiopolis was one of the many smaller communities in Hungary that set out to build a better world on the ruins of the previous one. The exhibition presents the history of Gaudiopolis along with similar initiatives that were most often born out of the courage, the perseverance and enthusiasm of private individuals (or smaller groups) who were driven by their beliefs in a just and equal society. The exhibition closes on October 30, 2017. As part of the finissage a guided tour will be held by the curator at 4:00 p.m.

Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop: Baloney, 2017
Posted: 28/September/2017

On 24-25 September, a two-day workshop evoked the spirit of Gaudiopolis, the self-governing children’s republic, with the participation of children from Cseppkő Children’s Home and  Fészek Waldorf School in Solymár - under the creative guidance of Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop, Budapest (AUW).

War Crimes Expert Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni Dies
Posted: 27/September/2017
A leading figure in human rights law and international criminal law, Cherif Bassiouni was the chairman of a United Nations commission investigating crimes committed during the Yugoslav Wars in 1992-1995.
Cultural Heritage Days
Posted: 18/September/2017

This year, Blinken OSA participated in the European Heritage Days, and its building, the Goldberger House (built in 1911) was open to the public.

Data Consulting Service Available
Posted: 18/September/2017
Blinken OSA professionals help you to develop your research data strategy when designing a project, planning your research, or writing your thesis.
Cultural Heritage Days
Posted: 14/September/2017

This year, the Blinken OSA will participate in the European Heritage Days, and its building, the Goldberger House (built in 1911) will be open to the public. As the highlight of the visit, the archival repository will be open to visitors as well. During the two-day event there will be guided tours in Hungarian, on both days at 10:00 a.m. and at 4:00 p.m. (English tours will be organized on demand).

Also, our current exhibition, Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires: The Soviet War exhibition closes this weekend. On Sunday at 6:00 p.m., as part of the finissage there will be a guided tour of the exhibition (in Hungarian, and in English on demand).
September 16-17, 2017

Finissage - Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires: The Soviet War
Posted: 12/September/2017

September 17, 2017, 6:00 p.m.

Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires: The Soviet War exhibition

Curatorial tour by András Mink, Historian, Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives

English language tour by Zammis Schein (Sándor Mesterházy), Private Collector

Galeria Centralis, Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives

1051 Budapest, Arany János utca 32.

The Soviet intervention in Afghanistan unleashed the last major international armed struggle of the Cold War period. Retrospectively, it seems paradoxical since Afghanistan had never been a central area of the Cold War before this conflict broke out. The Soviet leadership was initially reluctant to intervene and indeed, it proved to be a fatal decision in every way. It brought a bloody war to Afghanistan with an appalling toll of human life and great suffering. The moral, political, financial and military strain also contributed to a great extent to the collapse of the Soviet empire. In addition, the Soviet intervention reduced the Afghan state to chaos, and the disastrous global consequences of this state failure are still unresolved.

Data Consulting Service Available
Posted: 04/September/2017
Blinken OSA professionals help you to develop your research data strategy when designing a project, planning your research, or writing your thesis.
Data Consulting Service Available
Posted: 04/September/2017
Blinken OSA professionals help you to develop your research data strategy when designing a project, planning your research, or writing your thesis.
Pre-Session Week Begins at Blinken OSA
Posted: 04/September/2017
As in previous years, the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (Blinken OSA) hosts incoming students from the various departments of the Central European University for short orientation sessions introducing them to the world of archives in the 21st century. The sessions are held every day of the current week (September 4-8, 2017).
Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires: The Soviet War
Posted: 05/August/2017

Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires: The Soviet War - Exhibition

VERNISSAGE: June 21, 2017, 6:00 p.m.

Opening Remarks by

András Mink, Historian, Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives

Zammis Schein (Sándor Mesterházy)

In cooperation with
Zammis Schein Collection
Afghan Center for Kabul University
Muzeum Shuravi, Yekaterinbur
Oriental Collection, Library of the Hungarian Academy of Science

Curated by Mihály Dobrovits, András Mink
Advisor: Zammis Schein

special thanks to

Shaharzad Akbar OSF-Kabul, Anthony Richter, OSF-New York, Julia Sakr-Tierney, OSF-New York

Galeria Centralis, Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives

1051 Budapest, Arany János utca 32.


The exhibition is open between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. every day except Monday from June 22nd until September 17th, 2017. Free admission.