On March 12, Blinken OSA had to close its Research Room due to COVID-19, along with all its public spaces. We are glad to announce that the Research Room will reopen on July 16, with no summer break this August! For safety reasons, researchers are asked to book a time slot using online reservation. The Research Room accepts a maximum of 5 researchers at a time.
Although the Archives was closed to the public, archival work did not stop. Several collections and series processed and added to the catalog since March will become available for the first time on July 16, while others have been digitized, offering now easier access.
HU OSA 300-40-16 Hungary 1956 Revolution Photographs
(Records of RFE/RL Research Institute / Hungarian Unit)
The finding aids of a rare collection of 157 photos of the 1956 revolution, including the original captions provided by RFE/RL, have been published online.
HU OSA 300-120-27 Files on the Vatican
(Records of RFE/RL Research Institute / Western Press Archives)
Press clippings and RFE's internal telex messages related to the Vatican City and the Popes, completed with official publications of the Vatican Polyglot Press.
HU OSA 300-120-28 Italian Communist Party: Subject Files
(Records of RFE/RL Research Institute / Western Press Archives)
Press clippings related to the Italian Communist Party (PCI), organized into thematic compilations like Agitazioni, Compromesso Storico, or Manifesto.
HU OSA 300-120-29 Italian Communist Party: Country Files
(Records of RFE/RL Research Institute / Western Press Archives)
English and primarily Italian newspaper articles on foreign political events.
HU OSA 300-120-30 Italian Communist Party: Biographical Files
(Records of RFE/RL Research Institute / Western Press Archives)
Folders containing information and press clippings on leading Italian politicians, members of the PCI, ambassadors working in Italy, and influential figures of Communism.
The above four series of the Western Press Archives mark a milestone at Blinken OSA, constituting the first Italian finding aids in the catalog!
HU OSA 305-0-6 Roma Media School Films
(Fekete Doboz Alapítvány Video Archive)
The video archives of the Közösségi Televíziós Iskola (Community Television School) and the Roma Média Iskola (Roma Media School), two Roma educational initiatives ran by the Black Box Foundation between 1996 and 2004, have been digitized.
HU OSA 320-1-3 Interviews with Home Movie Makers and Their Families
(Photographs and Home Movie Collection of Privát Fotó és Film Alapítvány)
The interviews Péter Forgács conducted with the amateur authors (and their families) of the Home Movie Collection have been digitized, with their findings aids published online.
HU OSA 435 Peter Pastor Collection on Atlantic Research and Publications, Inc.
A collection accumulated by Peter Pastor during the 1980s and the 1990s on the Atlantic Research and Publications, Inc., and personally on its editor-in-chief, Béla Király.