We are happy to announce the next presentations of the Visegrad Scholarship at OSA. Join the event in the Archivum, or online following the link below!
The presentation will be held at 11 AM on Thursday, December 7, in the Meeting Room of the Blinken OSA Archivum, and online. The Zoom link of the meeting is: https://ceu-edu.zoom.us/j/916-70959399?pwd=c2lNanYrUHBHSW5De-
DRHUFdKUXJJZz09 Meeting ID: 916 7095 9399
The Diversity of Roma People in Radio Free Europe Collections: Analyzing Human Rights Discourses and their Image in Textual Records and Audiovisual Materials
by Dominika Badžová, Journalist and Researcher
The aim of the presentation is to examine themethods by which journalists, researchers, and sociologists, human rights activists and organizations approached the representationof Roma diversity in the media outlets. Having investigated the materials in the Blinken OSA Archivum, the reconstructions of written and audiovisual materials through human rights discourses have provided new hypotheses on how to approach this issue. By focusing on human rights discourses, Roma dissident movements, and Roma intellectuals active in the NGO sphere, this research explores the historical background and the position of Roma people in former State Socialist countries and the former Yugoslavia, using the collections of the Blinken OSA Archivum. In the coming years, this project will continue with researching the perspectives on memory and the preservation of the storytelling of Roma people.