Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives
The Soviet Nuke is a Nuke Too (Cpg band)
29 photos of the happening performed by Dialogue Peace Group on Hiroshima Day in August 1983. By that day, Dialogue Group was almost done, eliminated by the National Peace Council, the Communist Youth Organization and the police. No independence and speaking against Soviet arms was was tolerated, even though the group was ready to cooperate with the official peace movement. Zsolt Enyedi, the donor of the photos remembers the day: "The happening took place on Hiroshima Day in August, 1983 and was called the Funeral of the Known Soldier. We set out from Moscow Square, marched over Margaret Bridge, Felszabadulás [now Ferenciek] Square, Astoria, Oktogon and perhaps Blaha [Lujza Square]. We soon ran out of flyers. We were stopped and our papers checked by the police twice and we were warned that they would haul us in if we don't stop, but eventually nothing happened. A few passers-by even took our side. I am the one with the moustache, the girl is Kriszta Orbán. Unfortunately I don't remember the other guy's name (Kriszta's boyfriend), neither the photographer's."