This series consists of 52 documentaries, training and promotional films produced by WITNESS from 1996-2004, uncovering human rights violations, and promoting human rights worldwide. A vast range of human rights issues is addressed, from clothing sweatshop workers in the Philippines, landless workers in Brazil and Nepalese prostitutes in Mumbai, to the plight of Senegalese and Haitian refugees, Karen and the internally displaced in Burma, and disappearances in Chechnya. Other documentaries focus on the relationship between the “blood diamond” trade and civil war in Sierra Leone, environmental destruction, genocide in Guatemala, the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, the US anti-prison movement and police violence against African Americans, as well as the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, the role of forensic anthropology in human rights investigations, and the work of the International Criminal Court concerning women's human rights, and the situation of Albanians in Kosovo.

Two renowned WITNESS training videos are also of special interest: "Video for Change", available in English, French and Spanish, and "Tips & Techniques", a training video that introduces the basic skills of shooting video, including lighting, focus, sound, and framing an image. See also witness.org, and OSA RIP 9: Human Rights.

Part of the Video Recordings of WITNESS fonds.