Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives
Videos on regime change in Hungary 1988-1996

Using VHS and S-VHS cameras, Fekete Doboz (Black Box), the first independent film group in Hungary filmed every important event in the years of the regime change and transition between 1988 and 1996, including political, social and cultural events, demonstrations organized by political groups that later evolved into parliamentary parties such as the Alliance of Free Democrats and Alliance of Young Democrats, meetings of oppressed churches, the creation of new independent trade unions and – last but not least – the mass protest against the later aborted construction of the Bős-Gabčíkovo–Nagymaros dams over the Danube, the first and biggest environmental issue that triggered the regime change. The video collection comprising over 3000 hours of footage, which is accessible only in OSA, is a unique moving image documentation of the regime change in Hungary and the transition from a party state into a pluralist democracy.